Manipuri weave

Trouble in Manipur, and here I am posting picture of their saree. It is not being indifferent about their plight. I make a conscious effort to buy their products though they are pricey, for I know the distance it travels. 

Manipur's story of weaving is very fascinating. Manipur, and Assam though they wear skirts and sarongs in a three piece fashion are the only states in the North East weaving sarees. Manipur weaves are nothing spectacular, but for them weaving is a cosmic process, and almost all of the weaving is done by women as a daily chore.

More about Manipur and weaving in another post, for this is reserved for my friend Lyla Bavadam . This saree of #100SareePact I had picked from one of Lyla's garage sale to raise money for strays, cats and dogs. It is so easy for some NGOs to raise money, do some big, high profile charity event and run it like an enterprise. But for Lyla it is a very painstaking job....picking up bits and pieces people donate when they vacate homes, when someone decides to leave the town and settle abroad. She has to personally go see them, arrange to pick up, take pictures post, arrange garage sale with other volunteers. Not only she raises funds, but personally cares for the abandoned pets and strays. So dedicated she is to the cause, I feel speechless at times. Recently, I asked her do you want to join on a trip to North East, she said no, not enough money for a holiday because too many cats have been falling ill, treatments and she was grief stricken having seen many die within a short space of few days. She is looking for a place somewhere on the outskirts of Mumbai to build a permanent shelter for animals. Anyone who reads this post, and has the ability to contribute, please do. This photo is also special, for she had taken it - Sorry, Lyla you may hate my writing this post, but I can do only this, wish and pray you build a shelter soon and get a few more caring hands to help you.


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