This saree has been waiting in the wardrobe for several years to meet its match in this kalamkari blouse with a mashru border. It must have been in 2001, before my friend Freeda D'souza was to get married I convinced her probably to come with me to an exhibition by Ushas of Chennai. I don't remember what Freeda bought, may be an offwhite Kanjivaram. But, I took this one #100SareePact and a grey Gadwal. I have been to Ushas at Trimurthi Nagar a couple of times when I was in Chennai and the atmosphere she had created there, the navratri kolu she kept all impressed me. Some more about Usha and our interaction in another post, that is whenever I get an opportunity to wear one of her master recreations. My first recollection of wearing this saree was when I went to meet my in laws and husband for the first time at my aunt's house in Madurai. Aunt, my atthai had given me good notice, bring a silk saree with you. I thought I would have obeyed her and also got my way around by wearing this simple Kanjivaram. Yes very, very simple, for Madurai swears by agala karai and getti sarigai. This did get noticed, for later my sisters in law would tell me how I wore some kannukkea theriyaadha zarigai, kannukke theriyaadha mellisu chain etc., When I see the grandness of wedding sarees these days, even those I bought for my wedding were simple :) 


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